Bury Football Chants

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Phil Picken

Learn the lyrics to Phil Picken football song, a Bury fan chant. Phil Picken Football Chant Lyrics Phillip Picken’s got no hair, He’s got no hair, He’s got no hair, Phillip Picken’s got no hair, He’s a Shaker!

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Chris Casper’s Barmy Army

Learn the lyrics to Chris Casper’s Barmy Army football song, a Bury fan chant. Chris Casper’s Barmy Army Football Chant Lyrics Chris Casper’s barmy army, Chris Casper’s barmy army, Chris Casper’s barmy army, Chris Casper’s barmy army. . .

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Come on Bury

Learn the lyrics to Come on Bury football song, a Bury fan chant. Come on Bury Football Chant Lyrics Come on Bury, Come on Bury, Come on Bury, Come on Bury, Come on Bury, Come on Bury, Come on Bury, Come on Bury, Come on Bury. . .

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Der Der Bury

Learn the lyrics to Der Der Bury football song, a Bury fan chant. Der Der Bury Football Chant Lyrics DerDer der, Der der, der der, der der, Der der, der dede der, Der de der der der de, de . . . . Bury!!!!

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Dirty Yorkshire…

Learn the lyrics to Dirty Yorkshire… football song, a Bury fan chant. Dirty Yorkshire… Football Chant Lyrics Ye dirty Yorkshire b*stards, Ye dirty Yorkshire b*stards, Ye dirty Yorkshire b*stards, Ye dirty Yorkshire b*stards, Ye dirty Yorkshire b*stards, Ye dirty Yorkshire b*stards, Ye dirty Yorkshire b*stards. . .

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2 – 1 in Your Cup Final

Learn the lyrics to 2 – 1 in Your Cup Final football song, a Bury fan chant. 2 – 1 in Your Cup Final Football Chant Lyrics 2 – 1 in your cup final, 2 – 1 in your cup final, 2 – 1 in your cup final, 2 – 1 in your cup final. … Read more

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All Gone Quiet over There

Learn the lyrics to All Gone Quiet over There football song, a Bury fan chant. All Gone Quiet over There Football Chant Lyrics And it’s all gone quiet over there, And it’s all gone quiet over there, And it’s all gone quiet, All gone quiet, And it’s all gone quiet over there. . .

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Andy Bishop

Learn the lyrics to Andy Bishop football song, a Bury fan chant. Andy Bishop Football Chant Lyrics De de de de, Andy Bishop, De de de de, Andy Bishop, De de de de, Andy Bishop, De de de de, Andy Bishop. . .

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Andy Morrell

Learn the lyrics to Andy Morrell football song, a Bury fan chant. Andy Morrell Football Chant Lyrics Andy Morrell, Andy Morrell, Andy Morrell, Andy Morrell!

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Aye Oh Bury

Learn the lyrics to Aye Oh Bury football song, a Bury fan chant. Aye Oh Bury Football Chant Lyrics Aye oh Bury, Bury aye oh, Aye oh Bury, Bury aye oh, Aye oh Bury, Bury aye oh, Aye oh Bury, Bury aye oh. . .