Sunderland Football Chants

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Anton – His Names Not Rio

Learn the lyrics to Anton – His Names Not Rio football song, a Sunderland fan chant. Anton – His Names Not Rio Football Chant Lyrics His name’s not Rio, And he plays for Sunderland. He came with McCartney, His name’s Anton Ferdinand. . .

Home > England > Sunderland


Learn the lyrics to 2-0 football song, a Sunderland fan chant. 2-0 Football Chant Lyrics 2-0 and you still don’t sing, 2-0 and you still dont sing. . .

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38 years

Learn the lyrics to 38 years football song, a Sunderland fan chant. 38 years Football Chant Lyrics In tune to when I was young:-In 69, Oh yes that’s right, A trophy was won by the black and whites, They’ve won f**k all since that day, So we’ll sing them a song that they f**king hate, … Read more

Home > England > Sunderland

Alan Shearer

Learn the lyrics to Alan Shearer football song, a Sunderland fan chant. Alan Shearer Football Chant Lyrics Alan Shearer’s illegitimate, He aint got no birth certificate, He’s got aids and cant get rid of it, Dirty black and white bast*rd!!!!!!!

Home > England > Sunderland

Alex Neil’s Red and White Army

Learn the lyrics to Alex Neil’s Red and White Army football song, a Sunderland fan chant. Alex Neil’s Red and White Army Football Chant Lyrics Alex Neil’s red and white army, Alex Neil’s red and white army, Alex Neil’s red and white army, Alex Neil’s red and white army. . .

Home > England > Sunderland

All Gone Quiet

Learn the lyrics to All Gone Quiet football song, a Sunderland fan chant. All Gone Quiet Football Chant Lyrics Cos its all gone quiet over there, Cos its all gone quiet over there, Cos its all gone quiet, All gone quiet, All gone quiet over there. . .

Home > England > Sunderland

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

Learn the lyrics to Always Look on the Bright Side of Life football song, a Sunderland fan chant. Always Look on the Bright Side of Life Football Chant Lyrics And always look on the bright side of life, DooDoo DooDoo DooDooDooDooDooDoo. . . And always look on the bright side of life, DooDoo DooDoo DooDooDooDooDooDoo. … Read more

Home > England > Sunderland

An N and an E and a W-C

Learn the lyrics to An N and an E and a W-C football song, a Sunderland fan chant. An N and an E and a W-C Football Chant Lyrics An N and an E and a W-C, An A and an S and a T-L-E, A U-N-I-T-E-D, Newcastle United, F**k Off. . .

Home > England > Sunderland

Andy Reid Is a Sumo

Learn the lyrics to Andy Reid Is a Sumo football song, a Sunderland fan chant. Andy Reid Is a Sumo Football Chant Lyrics I saw my mate the other day, He said to me he saw a white sumo, So i asked who is he, He goes by the name of Andy Reid, Andy Reid, … Read more

Home > England > Sunderland

Andy Reid Song

Learn the lyrics to Andy Reid Song football song, a Sunderland fan chant. Andy Reid Song Football Chant Lyrics Andy Reid plays on the wing, his passing is precision, No-one gets the ball of him, he’s our midfield magician, Weaving magic down the line, he’s the one and only, Good enough for any side so … Read more