Cork City Football Chants

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CCFC Ole Ole Ole

Learn the lyrics to CCFC Ole Ole Ole football song, a Cork City fan chant. CCFC Ole Ole Ole Football Chant Lyrics CCFC! Ole, ole, ole, Ole, ole, ole, Ole, ole, ole, CCFC!Ole, ole, ole, Ole, ole, ole, Ole, ole, ole. . .

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City Till I Die

Learn the lyrics to City Till I Die football song, a Cork City fan chant. City Till I Die Football Chant Lyrics City till I die (clap clap). I’m City till I die (clap clap)I know I am, I’m sure I am, I’m City till I Die.

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Dave Barry

Learn the lyrics to Dave Barry football song, a Cork City fan chant. Dave Barry Football Chant Lyrics Dowtcha Davey Barry Boy, Dowtcha Davey Barry Boy, Dowtcha Davey, Dowtcha Davey, Dowtcha Davey Barry Boy, Dowtcha Davey Barry Boy.

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Dirty Dublin…

Learn the lyrics to Dirty Dublin… football song, a Cork City fan chant. Dirty Dublin… Football Chant Lyrics You go down the pub, You drink 10 pints, You go back home, And you beat your wife, Dirty Dublin b*stard!

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Fields of Bishopstown

Learn the lyrics to Fields of Bishopstown football song, a Cork City fan chant. Fields of Bishopstown Football Chant Lyrics Low lie the fields of Bishopstown, Where once we watched the Cork City play!Billy Woods was on the wing, (City!)We had dreams and songs to sing, (Turners Cross!)Its so lonely ’round the fields of Bishopstown. … Read more