Dunfermline Football Chants

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Go Home

Learn the lyrics to Go Home football song, a Dunfermline fan chant. Go Home Football Chant Lyrics Go home yer scum, Go home yer scum, Go home yer scum, Go home yer scum, Go home yer scum. . .

Home > Scotland > Dunfermline

Going Down

Learn the lyrics to Going Down football song, a Dunfermline fan chant. Going Down Football Chant Lyrics They’re going down, They’re going down, Falkirks going down. . .

Home > Scotland > Dunfermline

If You Hate the …

Learn the lyrics to If You Hate the… football song, a Dunfermline fan chant. If You Hate the … Football Chant Lyrics If you hate the f*cking police clap yer hands, If you hate the f*cking police clap yer hands, If you hate the f*cking police, If you hate the f*cking police, If you hate … Read more

Home > Scotland > Dunfermline

In the Falkirk Slums

Learn the lyrics to In the Falkirk Slums football song, a Dunfermline fan chant. In the Falkirk Slums Football Chant Lyrics In the Falkirk slums, In the Falkirk slums, They search in the dustbins for something to eat, They find and dead rat and they think it’s a treat, In the Falkirk slums. . .

Home > Scotland > Dunfermline

Can You Hear the Falkirk Sing?

Learn the lyrics to Can You Hear the Falkirk Sing? football song, a Dunfermline fan chant. Can You Hear the Falkirk Sing? Football Chant Lyrics Can you hear the Falkirk sing, No, no, Can you hear the Falkirk sing, No, no, Can you hear the Falkirk sing, I can’t hear a f*cking thing, No woah … Read more

Home > Scotland > Dunfermline

Come on Ye Pars

Learn the lyrics to Come on Ye Pars football song, a Dunfermline fan chant. Come on Ye Pars Football Chant Lyrics Come on ye pars, Come on ye pars, Come on ye pars, Come on ye pars. . .

Home > Scotland > Dunfermline

Dirty Falkirk

Learn the lyrics to Dirty Falkirk football song, a Dunfermline fan chant. Dirty Falkirk Football Chant Lyrics You dirty Falkirk b*stards, You dirty Falkirk b*stards, You dirty Falkirk b*stards, You dirty Falkirk b*stards, You dirty Falkirk b*stards. . .