Hearts Football Chants

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Beat Hibs When We Want

Learn the lyrics to Beat Hibs When We Want football song, a Hearts fan chant. Beat Hibs When We Want Football Chant Lyrics We beat Hibs when we want, We beat beat Hibs when we waaaant, We are the jam tarts, we beat Hibs when we want!

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Big Team Big Cup

Learn the lyrics to Big Team Big Cup football song, a Hearts fan chant. Big Team Big Cup Football Chant Lyrics Big Team, Big Cup, Wee Team, Wee Cup, Bug Team, Big cup, Wee Team, Wee cup. . .

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Bobby Burns

Learn the lyrics to Bobby Burns football song, a Hearts fan chant. Bobby Burns Football Chant Lyrics —

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Buckfast No.1

Learn the lyrics to Buckfast No.1 football song, a Hearts fan chant. Buckfast No.1 Football Chant Lyrics Buckfast no. 1, Buckfast, Buckfast no. 1, Buckfast no. 1, Buckfast, Buckfast no. 1. . .

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Can You Hear the Hibees Sing!

Learn the lyrics to Can You Hear the Hibees Sing! football song, a Hearts fan chant. Can You Hear the Hibees Sing! Football Chant Lyrics Can you hear the Hibees sing? Noooo!Can you hear the Hibees sing? Noooo!Can you hear the Hibees sing? Noooo!Cannae hear a f*cking thing!

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Cheer Up Paatelainen

Learn the lyrics to Cheer Up Paatelainen football song, a Hearts fan chant. Cheer Up Paatelainen Football Chant Lyrics Cheer up Paatelainen, Oh what can it mean, To a sad hibee b*stard, And a s**te football team. . .