Inverness Football Chants

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Vladimir Romanov

Learn the lyrics to Vladimir Romanov football song, a Inverness fan chant. Vladimir Romanov Football Chant Lyrics Vladamir Romanov, Bennett said f*ck off, Vladimir Romanov, Bennett said F*ck off, Vladamir Romanov, Bennett said F*ck off. . .

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We Love You Caley

Learn the lyrics to We Love You Caley football song, a Inverness fan chant. We Love You Caley Football Chant Lyrics We hate Glasgow Rangers, We hate Celtic too, They’re sh*te!We hate the Ross countyBut Caley we love you, Altogether now!!!We love you Caley, we do, We love you Caley, we do, We love you … Read more

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What’s It Like to Play on Grass

Learn the lyrics to What’s It Like to Play on Grass football song, a Inverness fan chant. What’s It Like to Play on Grass Football Chant Lyrics Whats it like to, Whats it like to, Whats it like to play on grass, Whats it like to play on grass. . .

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SPL – They’re Having a Laugh

Learn the lyrics to SPL – They’re Having a Laugh football song, a Inverness fan chant. SPL – They’re Having a Laugh Football Chant Lyrics SPL – they’re having a laugh, SPL – they’re having a laugh, SPL – they’re having a laugh. . .

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Stand Up for the Caley Jags

Learn the lyrics to Stand Up for the Caley Jags football song, a Inverness fan chant. Stand Up for the Caley Jags Football Chant Lyrics Stand up, For the Caley jags, Stand up, For the Caley jags, Stand up, For the Caley jags. . .

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Super Caley Frajilistic

Learn the lyrics to Super Caley Frajilistic football song, a Inverness fan chant. Super Caley Frajilistic Football Chant Lyrics Super-Caley-Go-Ballistic, Celtic are atrocious, Super-Caley-Go-Ballistic, Celtic are atrocious. . .

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Terry and Mo

Learn the lyrics to Terry and Mo football song, a Inverness fan chant. Terry and Mo Football Chant Lyrics Terry and Mo, Terry and Mo, Terry and Mo, Terry and Mo. . .

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Learn the lyrics to Trapped football song, a Inverness fan chant. Trapped Football Chant Lyrics Trapped in the Highlands, You’re gonna be Trapped in the Highlands, Trapped in the Highlands, You’re gonna be Trapped in the Highlands. . .

Home > Scotland > Inverness

Oh Inverness

Learn the lyrics to Oh Inverness football song, a Inverness fan chant. Oh Inverness Football Chant Lyrics Oh Inverness!Oh Inverness, Is wonderful, Is wonderfulOh Inverness is wonderful, We have a bridge and a castle, Oh Inverness is wonderful!

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Ole Ole Ole Caley

Learn the lyrics to Ole Ole Ole Caley football song, a Inverness fan chant. Ole Ole Ole Caley Football Chant Lyrics ole, ole ole ole, Caley, Caley. . .